Submit an Article

Get published on Global Sherpa. Submit an original article (using the form located after the submission guidelines below) for inclusion on the Global Sherpa site to help expand the awareness and knowledge of important issues in international development, globalization, and world affairs.

All submissions will be individually reviewed and carefully considered for publication.

Article Submission and Publication Guidelines

  • All submissions must come from the original author or person who has full copyright to the article.
  • Article content and tone should generally be consistent with those of other articles on the Global Sherpa site.
  • Article length may range from several hundred to several thousand words.
  • Articles should incorporate comparisons and references to relevant data and circumstances in several countries.
  • Articles should incorporate numbers, statistical, or survey data that come from reliable, verifiable sources and include appropriate references for further reading and fact checking.
  • Guest authors are highly encouraged to include visual data references, such as charts and graphs, as well as relevant pictures and other visual aids and enhancements.

The Global Sherpa team may suggest or require certain revisions to article titles or content. Effort will be made to minimize the need for any modifications. Editing suggestions are intended to ensure compatibility with the site’s content and mission and optimize audience reach through SEO and other digital marketing tactics. Guest authors will be given the opportunity to review and approve any editorial modifications before their articles are published on the Global Sherpa site.

The author’s name and a short one or two line bio can appear after the first paragraph of the article so that it does not interfere with the article abstracts on the Global Sherpa home and archive pages. A longer bio paragraph of several sentences and a link to the author’s site (if applicable) can appear at the end of the article.

Guest authors give Global Sherpa permission to use portions of articles on other Global Sherpa pages, such as Charts & Data and World Rankings, in order to maximize the reach and effectiveness of the authors’ content.

Guest authors retain original rights to their articles.

Thanks very much for your interest in contributing to Global Sherpa and furthering the interest and involvement in international affairs, global learning, and cross-cultural collaboration.

Please contact us with any related inquiries or comments.

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